Rubber Speed Bumps, Rubber Car Stops

Rubber speed bumps and car stops have solved many of the problems associated with the asphalt and concrete versions of these products.  Rubber speed bumps and car stops are extremely durable and resistant to breaking and chipping. They are lightweight and can be installed by one person on any road surface.  This results in a […]

Traffic Control Devices & Requirements

Traffic Control Devices

Using Appropriate Traffic Control Devices for Traffic Control Traffic control devices are signs, signals or other marking devices which are used to regulate and guide traffic. They warn both cars and pedestrians of possible dangers on the street or highway. These devices are paramount for promoting highway safety and the efficient flow of traffic through […]

Safety Wear

The spring and summer seasons are also road construction seasons and keeping workers safe is high priority.  Many people have questions about which safety wear is needed for what jobs and what requirements the safety wear needs to meet.   ANSI/ISEA  is a voluntary industry standard which  specifies the requirements expected for high-visibility safety wear for […]